Zense auto dryppstopp Use

  • Place the Wilfa Performance on a flat surface. Plug the power cord into the socket.
  • Fill the water tank with fresh water to the desired amount. Place a filter paper (1x4) in the filter holder. Place the recommended amount of coffee into the filter.
  • We recommend that you use filter ground coffee, 60 g per litre of water. Experiment with the coffee quantities for the first few brewing’s to find the amount which you think is optimal.
  • We also recommend that you use a Wilfa scale for best results.
  • Attach the filter holder to the bracket.
  • We recommend the following ratios of water and coffee (please note that different grinds and coffee types will influence these ratios somewhat):
1.25 l - 75 g
1 l - 60 g
0.75 l - 45 g
0.50 l - 30 g
  • Press the start button to start the brewing process. Zense has Wilfa’s unique pump system which transports water through the system at an optimal temperature from the first to the last drop.
  • When the brewing process is complete, the unit will switch over to the keep warm state. The start button will remain lit up. After 40 minutes the coffee maker will automatically be switched off. If you want to switch off the coffee maker before 40 minutes (with light in start button) just press the start button once and the coffee maker will be switched off.